The attractive teenage son of musician Ricky Martin has been labeled “a future model and an idol.” Here is what he looks like…

It’s difficult to look at Ricky Martin’s 14-year-old son without falling in love.


The network users rushed to assert that talented, well-liked, and successful singer R. Martin’s son is no longer a child but a handsome womanizer after seeing the most recent photos of him.

This was the response of some online users.

He obviously got his famous father’s appearance, “Almighty genes,” “A future supermodel and a heartthrob,” “A future supermodel and a heartthrob,” and more.


«My eyes are so unbelievable! Is he already 14?, «Time flies at a lightning pace, » «How handsome he has grown! », and «He will undoubtedly surpass his father in beauty and popularity».

It should be remembered that Ricky Martin and Jwan Yosef have four children together and have been married for five years.

In regards to the twins Valentino and Matteo, it has never been a mystery that they were created in 2008 with the aid of a surrogate mother.


Their heir Renn was born in the fall of 2019, while their daughter Lucia was born on December 31, 2018.

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The attractive teenage son of musician Ricky Martin has been labeled “a future model and an idol.” Here is what he looks like…
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